Can You Put Flat Paint Over Eggshell? (How-to Guide)

It’s no secret that painting can be a big job. Between picking out the perfect color and making sure it looks great, there is a lot to consider. One of the most important questions is what kind of paint you should use. Can eggshell be painted over with flat paint?

You can put flat paint over eggshell, but you will need to take a few preparation steps to ensure the flat paint will bond to the existing paint. These steps include cleaning the surface, repairing imperfections, sanding, and priming. Once you have completed these steps, apply a coat of flat paint.

In this article, you’re going to learn:

  • How to cover eggshell with flat paint
  • Can you paint over existing paint without sanding
  • How many coats of paint to use

How to Cover Eggshell with Flat Paint

Tools you’ll need

  • Broom
  • Rags
  • Drop cloth or old newspapers
  • Sander/pole sander
  • 180-grit sandpaper
  • Paint
  • Primer
  • Safety gear
  • Cleaning materials (bucket, sponge, detergent, etc.)

Step 1. Clean walls

One of the most important steps in painting is to clean the walls. This ensures that the paint will adhere properly and that the finished product will look its best.

To clean the walls, mix a mild detergent with water in a bucket. Then, use a sponge to apply the diluted detergent to the wall.

As you work, keep the sponge moist and rinse it frequently in the bucket of water to avoid re-depositing dirt on the wall.

Work in small sections and continue until you have cleaned the entire section before moving on to the next. Repeat this process until you have finished cleaning the walls you plan to paint. Let dry completely.

Step 2. Repair any imperfections

Once the area is clean, inspect for any imperfections. Suppose you find any holes, cracks, or divots in the wall’s surface. Put on a pair of latex gloves. This will protect your hands from the spackle as you work.

To use a spackle, simply apply it to the damage using your fingers or a spackle spreader, depending on the size of the area. Then, smooth out the spackle until the surface is even.

Finally, allow the spackle to dry completely before proceeding. This will help ensure a seamless repair job that looks great and lasts for years.

Step 3. Sand

Once the spackle has dried, it is time to sand down any high points or roughness. This will help to create a smooth, even surface for painting. Use 180-grit sandpaper, and run your hand across the surface frequently to check for smoothness.

If the eggshell finish feels slightly rough, that is the ideal consistency. If you need to use a pole sander to reach some of the higher areas, wear a dust mask to avoid inhaling any particles. Once the surface is smooth, you are ready to begin painting.

Can You Paint Over Eggshell Without Sanding?

The short answer is yes. But the longer, more accurate answer is that it depends on what kind of paint you use and the condition of your wall. While sanding is always an option, there are other ways to prepare your walls for painting, such as using a chemical deglosser.

A chemical deglosser (also known as liquid sandpaper) is designed to remove the glossy finish from surfaces like wood and metal.

It breaks down the glossy finish without physically scraping it off with sandpaper or steel wool. A chemical deglosser can be a great alternative to sanding when preparing walls for painting because it does not leave behind any residue and requires minimal elbow grease.

When choosing between sanding and using a chemical deglosser, the best option largely depends on the condition of the surface you are prepping for painting.

For example, if your walls are in good shape, then using a chemical deglosser may be all that’s necessary to prepare them for painting.

However, if your walls have imperfections like bumps, cracks, or holes, sanding may be necessary to ensure that the surface is completely even before applying paint. Many professionals still recommend using sandpaper since it provides a more consistent finish than liquid alternatives.

Can TSP Be Used To Degloss Before Painting?

TSP stands for trisodium phosphate, which is an all-purpose cleaner. It’s an effective yet inexpensive way to remove dirt, grease, grime, and other contaminants from surfaces before painting. However, TSP cannot be used as a deglosser.

Step 4. Wash the walls

The walls must be washed again after sanding or deglossing. This step helps remove any dirt and dust particles that may have been created by the previous process, ensuring a better bond between paint colors.

Fill warm water, then add some drops of mild detergent before scrubbing away. Now rinse off all surfaces thoroughly until they’re sparkling clear again. Once dried out properly, this will leave you ready to start painting.

Step 5. Cover baseboards and trim

Once the walls have been washed, it is time to cover any baseboards or trim with painter’s tape. This will help keep the paint from getting on them, keeping a clean line and preventing you from needing to repaint those areas later.

You can also lay down drop cloths or plastic sheets to cover the floors for extra protection. This will help keep paint from getting on your furniture or rugs, making clean-up much easier once you’re finished painting.

Finally, if there are any windows or doors in the room, make sure to also tape off those. This will protect them from any accidental drips or splatters of paint.

Step 6. Prime

Applying a primer is an important step in painting a wall, as it helps to ensure that the paint will adhere properly to the surface.

One type of primer that can be used is polyvinyl acetate, also known as PVA or drywall primer. This type of primer contains the same adhesive found in carpenter’s glue, allowing it to adhere well to an eggshell surface.

Step 7. Paint

Once the primer is completely dry, you can finally begin to paint. When painting over eggshell walls, the best option is a flat or matte finish.

This type of finish will help to hide any imperfections that may have been on the surface, as well as any marks created by sanding or deglossing.

It is important to use multiple thin coats rather than one thick coat. This will help ensure that the paint dries evenly and completely covers the surface.

Once you have finished painting your walls, let them dry completely before removing any painter’s tape or drop cloths.

One Coat or Two?

While it may seem like two coats would be better than one, that is not always the case. One coat of paint can often provide sufficient coverage, especially using high-quality paint. However, two coats may be necessary if you paint over a dark color or if the paint is of poor quality.

In general, however, one coat should be sufficient. If you decide to apply two coats, allow the first coat to dry completely before adding the second. Otherwise, you may end up with an uneven finish.

Joshua Milton

I want to share everything I know about home improvement in order to help you. Whether you're a home enthusiast or an industry professional, I have the information that you need.

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